Britain's only tried and tested arboreal bridge for dormice, red squirrels and other mammals

The Animex Arboreal Bridge
In association with People’s Trust for Endangered Species, we have developed a tried and tested, cost-effective mitigation solution for maintaining and enhancing habitat connectivity for arboreal species, including Hazel Dormouse, Red Squirrel, and other mammals, on development and infrastructure projects.
The wildlife crossing structure has a bespoke and adaptable design and can be built to be free-standing on its own or retrospectively fitted into another structure such as an overpass. We work closely with National Highways for bridges built over large roads to ensure the safety and quality of design on projects.
The Animex bridge is:
- Tried and Tested
- Instant Connectivity
- Cost Effective
- Bespoke & Adaptable
To find out how the Animex wildlife bridge could be utilised on your project please get in touch with one of our advisors.
Tried and Tested
The bridge was developed in conjunction with the People's Trust for Endangered Species, based on a Japanese design and was successfully trialled with Hazel Dormice and Red Squirrels on the Isle of Wight. During monitoring with camera traps both species were found using the bridge to cross between the isolated habitats, as shown in the video and this research was published in 2019. A second paper was published in 2022 on case studies of the bridge in the UK. Download the papers below.
Research on this successful design has been presented Internationally including at: Infra Eco Network Europe 2018, International Conference on Ecology and Transportation 2017 & 2021 and the National Dormouse Conference 2016 & 2019.
Bespoke & Adaptable Installation

The standalone bridge can be built in areas without an existing structure. It can be constructed safely across roads, rails or water features to reconnect fragmented habitat.

The bridge can be retrofitted to an existing structure such as a bridge or culvert. This method increases the strength of the bridge and can be used for longer distances.

Best Practice Management
We have created guidelines to help you plan to incorporate an Animex Bridge in your project. The guidelines include where to locate and position the bridge, the best design, how to monitor dormouse populations post-installation and some helpful tips!
*UPDATE* Since the publication of this version, we have developed our process and designs to include steel and rope alternatives in addition to our standard aluminium system. This enables us to actively increase spans, design life requirements and adapt to budgets so we have a solution to suit any project.
The new version is expected summer 2025 along with additional free training and webinar sessions.
Contact us if you would like to be notified as soon as this is announced.
Project Highlights

M1 Motorway
In Autumn 2020, two Animex dormouse bridges were installed to connect dormouse habitat across the M1 motorway. Each bridge spanned over 76 metres over and under the motorway.
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A 45m standalone Animex bridge was used to reconnect dormouse populations across an access road in Denmark as part of a large-scale energy project. Small posts were used to support and angle the bridge into dormouse habitat.

St Athan
This project featured a 40m bridge retrofit to a road underpass to reconnect hedgerows severed by a new road build. Installation was completed in 2019 and the project won an award.
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Wildlife Bridges & Crossing Structres
We design and develop solutions for all species
Adapting our existing infrastructure is essential to safeguard the future of wildlife and their habitats.
To ensure we regain and retain habitat connectivity across the world we design, develop and supply a wide variety of solutions and wildlife crossing structures.
Our team of biologists and engineers work together to provide solutions to suit any project and any target species of wildlife. This includes overpasses, underpasses, bridges, green urbanism and more.
We are committed to retaining natural corridors and habitat defragmentation.
Contact us if you would like more information on support in designing and implementing a wildlife crossing structure.
Our Partners

CampbellReith is an independent firm of consulting engineers that provides services from 5 UK offices and overseas. They have provided design and AIP for Animex bridge projects.
People's Trust for Endangered Species
PTES has been standing up for wildlife for over 40 years. PTES designed and tested our dormouse bridge to connect arboreal habitats for this threatened species.
Our France-based partner Cohab promote biodiversity and connectivity solutions including wildlife bridges across French roads.